How It's Work?

Soundfly is the perfect tool for anyone who wants to create better scenes. With its vast library of music and AI-powered analysis, you can find the perfect track for any scene, no matter what mood you're going for.

Soundfly gets useful data by analyzing the dialogues based on how they make people feel. It also looks at the objects and images in a scene and puts them together.

Soundfly looks at things like the tone of voice, the content, the mood, the atmosphere, the time, and the environment.

In our complete algorithm, data from scenes is put into groups based on how similar they are in terms of cosine, and music is used to make suggestions.

To make things clear, the data in the scene is processed and a label is made. This label is looked at by the music algorithm, which then makes a decision.

Music on Soundfly is sorted by dozens of different factors, such as acoustic, danceable, energetic, duration, explicit, instrumental, key, liveness, loudness, mode, popularity, speechiness, tempo, valance, and, most importantly, copyright.

Companies can use this music legally if it is public licenseĀ or by paying the author royalties if it is protected by copyright.

Also, our platform makes it easier than ever to create stunning visuals with beautiful soundscapes that get people's attention. It does this by making it fast and easy for content creators to choose the right music for their projects.

This way, we don't have to wait for people to do their work, which is especially important for serial productions.