Find the right music for your video

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Here are the most suitable music options for your video in a few steps.

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Analyze movie scenes and suggest the best music to go with them.

Soundfly is a cloud-based web platform that uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to analyze movie scenes and suggest the best music to go with them.

It uses cutting-edge machine learning technology to scan uploaded videos and suggest copyrighted or royalty-free music that is suitable for the scene.

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What they said about Soundfly?

I work as a film editor and Soundfly has been instrumental in my work. I use soundtracks and sound effects to tie the scenes together, but until Soundfly I had a hard time finding the right music that fit exactly what I needed. Now it is so easy. Thank you!


S. Yilmaz

Youtube Content Creator

I am a Youtube content creator and I found Soundfly through a friend of mine. It has helped me out so much with choosing songs for my videos as well as knowing what type of music is necessary for certain scenes. I would recommend this to any creative who needs editing help.


S. Yilmaz

Youtube Content Creator

I work as a film editor and Soundfly has been instrumental in my work. I use soundtracks and sound effects to tie the scenes together, but until Soundfly I had a hard time finding the right music that fit exactly what I needed. Now it is so easy. Thank you!


C.A. Shanon

Film Editor


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